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The Love Slide Show

"Without You"

Performed by Chloe Farrell, Hannah Farrell, Dave Farrell, and RJ Wilson

Speech by Mandy Ellertson


I recently discovered a Native American proverb that states:  “No wise person ever wanted to be younger”.  This proverb offers us a seed to reflect on tonight - the renewal of Katie and Mike’s wedding vows as they honor their 25 years with each other and the people who inhabited their lives.  Over time, we witnessed their relationship mature and develop as they made a commitment to their marriage and children.  Their love extends to you all to as people who work, eat, and play with Katie and Mike and share the joy and sorrows of living life to its fullest.


Far too early, my friend Linda Hummer died at age 40.  After being told her cancer was terminal, she declared that she wanted to live life with love and purpose.  To her that meant spending time with others, hearing their stories, laughing, shedding tears, and doing whatever to support people she knew and love.  I remember Linda’s words tonight because Katie and Mike live their lives with “love and purpose” as parents who nurture their children and people dedicated to their professions and personal values.  Both Katie and Mike offer generosity to others whether it was by helping low income people here and abroad with dental work or simply buying candy bars and magazine subscriptions from niece and nephews trying to money for public schools.


In our youth driven society, where Americans spend over 10 billion dollars on cosmetic surgery it fascinates me that studies show those in their later years feel the most peace and contentment.  While we honor the young people here tonight who work toward creating their own identity and foundation, it is nice to celebrate milestones like 25 years of marriage because it reminds us of what is truly of value - the relationships we build with others whether it be a spouse, a friend, a sibling, or a community.  While our bodies might fail and disappoint us, the love we share is what endures.


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