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Lori Dill


Andy popped the question

The ring was in place

The gown was in the makes

I had a smile on my face.


One morning at work

I was asked me if I "...will

Make some cards for the new guy"

His last name was "Dill"


I commented like this

(And laughed as I sat):

"A nerdy engineer...

With a last name like THAT?"


Larry walked through the door

Tall, handsome, Irish, Canadian

I swooned as I saw him

Like 50's girls seeing Fabian


What can I say?

Andy and I would soon disengage

It was "Mrs. & Mrs. DILL"

That would now set the stage.


Married and happy

For twenty-seven years

Kenny, Caitlin, Kyla & Joe

And many happy tears!


THE (happy) END(ing)

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