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Dave and Lori Stelle

You caught my eye and stole my heart. We tried to pretend that we didn't notice each other. It was a gaze from across the Student Union at SOU in 1976. You know how it feels when you get that flutter in your stomach? It was a mix of excitement and curiosity.  Our paths continued to cross. Walking to the Library....even the local pub. Through mutual friends we discovered that we were both asking about the other.  We married in 1980.We are soulmates and best friends who are continually growing and changing together. What journey do we ever experience that doesn't have its challenges? We are opposites but that is why God brought us together. One person completing the other. We understand, love and appreciate each other for who we are.  We've learned forgiveness and kindness towards ourselves and others.  Knowing when to laugh at ourselves and not take life too seriously will ensure another 35 years of marriage!

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