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Kevin Mallon


My father was a man of few words, so when he spoke, you knew it was important. When he told me that the best thing he had done in his life was to marry my mother, it really stuck with me. And I can now say the same thing about marrying Beth. She has been at the center of my life for 36 years, while all else swirled about me – changes in job, careers, location, children. A single word between us can bring back a flood of warm memories.  And she still makes my heart sing. For all that, I am grateful.  

Beth Mallon


There is something so powerful about knowing that, no matter where you go or what you must do, there is one person who loves you best of all. One person who has your back no matter what. One person who can hear the truth and will tell you the truth. One person to whom there is no need to explain. One person who will hold all that you tell him gently, knowing that you have given him a great and fragile gift. Kevin is my one person. He is my anchor and my encourager. He challenges me and comforts me. He is the gift of my life.  

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